PARTNERSHIPS | 2024-2025 Partners | Make a donation | Biglietto sospeso | Becoming a volunteer | Becoming a sponser
2024-2025 Partners

Donors 2024-2025
Geneviève Barrette
Dominique Chevrier
Daniel Constantineau
André De Léan
Marie-Agnès Huberlant
Margo Keenan
Danielle La Rocque
Dr Dam T. Nguyen
Marthe Saint-Louis
Marie Trudeau
Power Corporation
Geneviève Barrette
Dominique Chevrier
Daniel Constantineau
André De Léan
Marie-Agnès Huberlant
Margo Keenan
Danielle La Rocque
Dr Dam T. Nguyen
Marthe Saint-Louis
Marie Trudeau
Power Corporation
Make a donation
Galileo is a non-profit charitable organization registered as such with Revenue Canada (registration number 80188 4420 RR0001) and, as such, offers training and musical development to the general public and to youth in particular. For every donation, you receive a tax receipt for the equivalent amount.

Become a volunteer
There are other excellent ways to contribute to Galileo. You can be a volunteer for the Orchestra or become a member of its board of directors. Would you like to volunteer your time or expertise to Galileo? Please let us know. Here are some of our specific needs :
Communications Committee
Maintaining and updating our social media, communications, public relations, publicity, computer graphics, etc.
Management Committee
Administration, accounting, project management, search for sponsors search for partnerships, staffing.
Occasional staff
Occasional staff to help support the Orchestra’s events for promotion, greeting the public, helping the musicians, preparing the stage, etc.
Be a sponsor
Galileo is a non-profit charitable organization registered as such with Revenue Canada (registration number 80188 4420 RR0001) and, as such, offers training and musical development to the general public and to youth in particular. For every donation, you receive a tax receipt for the equivalent amount. More details in the following document (English version on your right).